We celebrate Mass at St Thomas More each Sunday at 8:45am. All are welcome.
On the first Sunday of each month, Mass is focused especially on the children - asking children to do the readings, for example - and the homily is designed mainly for the children.
Confession is available 5.30pm to 5.50pm on Saturdays (at St Swithun's) or by appointment at other times.
Welcome to the website of the Catholic Community in Hartley Wintney. For news and announcements please click "News" in the menu, where you may also view the latest bulletin.
All parishioners are invited to our parish social, which will take place at the cricket club on Sunday 6th October from midday until 2pm. The cricket club bar will be open. If you can bring some finger food to share, then so much the better; but if not, just come anyway. To help us to manage numbers, please add your name to the list in the church porch.
Local churches, in partnership with Hart Foodbank, are keen to help struggling families.
To request a food voucher, text 07754 877575 or ring Citizens Advice Yateley on 01252 878435
For money advice, ring Junction 5 on 01256 769953 or email advisers@junction5.org.
Free confidential helpline: 0808 208 2138 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm).
To donate food, text 07931 511849 for your local collection point.
The parish office is open to the public from Tuesdays to Fridays 10am to 12 noon.
The parish secretary can be contacted by phone on 01252 872732 or 07831 307063 or by email to the parish office.
If you need the priest urgently please ring Fr Wojciech on 01252 872732.